Monday, February 13, 2017

What does it mean when the machine can easily win poker game?

Meet a new extremely clever machine called Libratus! This artificial intelligence program was build to crush the poker game. By now the smart program has already beaten some of the best gamblers. For example world’s known poker star Dong Kim said about AI's strength that he didn’t even realize how awesome it was until he suddenly felt like he was playing against someone who could literally see all the cards.
At the very beginning, the machine had certain difficulties with game’ imperfect information. But thanks to the open-minded developers, after hundreds of computing hours, the A.I. tried to overcome opponent’s unpredictable behavior, bluff and build its own strategy based on the calculated randomizing. And what is more important that day by day Libratus is learning from his own mistakes becoming more and more skilled in the processing of imperfect information.
But how could it help in our daily life? Tuomas Sandholdm and Noam Brown, scientists from Carnegie Mellon University made their program not just to win the video poker game, but to solve a list of certain problems with incomplete information. First of all, it’s another hand in the fight against cyber attacks, secondary it could be potentially used for diagnosing illnesses, and of course an additional business adviser.

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